Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU (FUSP-CEU)
FUSP-CEU is a Spanish private educational institution, with 90 years’ experience. It comprises 25 educational centers in Spain, including Schools, Professional Training Centers and three Universities. Universidad San Pablo-CEU (USP), the University taking part in this project, is a relatively small, specialized university founded in Madrid in 1993, that structures its studies on three main fields of knowledge:
Two Faculties for Health: Medicine and Pharmacy.
Architecture and Engineering: Polytechnic School.
Three Faculties for Social Sciences: Law, Economics, Humanities and Communication.
USP facilities include 8 Research Centers and 11 Core Research Facilities. University has 64 Competitive Research Groups.
Involved researchers:
David Baeza Moyano (Principal Investigator), Roberto Alonso González Lezcano (senior researcher), Sofía Melero Tur (junior researcher), Guadalupe Cantarero García (senior researcher), María Concepción Pérez Gutiérrez (senior researcher)